Iwate Kura Craft Beer

Last Updated: 7/17/2020

Iwate Kura Bakushu is a craft beer brand that began producing beer in 1995, shortly after microbreweries were legalized. Sekinoichi Shuzo (世嬉の一酒造) brews in partnership with a local co-op.

Iwate Beer Sanriku Oyster Stout bottle and glass
Sanriku Oyster Stout

The majority of beers from Iwate Kura are ales. But they make a lot of products, including a number of lagers. They’re generally unfiltered and unpasteurized.

The two most common examples available in the States, Sanriku Oyster Stout and Sansho Ale, are hazy in appearance which includes small particulates from the adjuncts. The benefit is more flavor, texture, and depth. More broadly, both beers feature ingredients that exemplify their corner of the Iwate prefecture. Both are outstanding. They are great representations of the free-form Japanese craft beer “style”.

cap from a bottle of Japanese beer
Iwate Kura Beer

The 2011 Tohoku earthquake heavily damaged the Sekinoichi brewery. In 2017, a new facility was completed for brewing sake. The brewery emphasizes ginjo-shu and using local rice Ginginga, as well as standards like Gohyakumangoku and Yamada Nishiki. Sekinoichi sake isn’t widely exported. Unless you have friends traveling to Japan, you’ll likely need to travel there to pick up a bottle. 

Check out their website: English (Google Translate)

Iwate Kura Beer bottle and glass
Sansho Ale

Beer Made by Iwate Kura Bakushu

photo of Kin Kura beer can
Kin Kura
photo of Aka Kura beer can
Aka Kura
Red Ale
photo of Kuro Kura beer can
Kuro Kura

Label Translation

Iwate Kura Bakushu いわて蔵麦酒  

Iwate Kura Beer いわて蔵ビール 

Sekinoichi Shuzo 世嬉の一酒造

Sanriku Oyster Stout 三陸牡蠣のスタウト

Sansho Ale エール山椒

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