Yaegaki “Mu” Junmai Daiginjo

Looking for a fruity and smooth daiginjo sake that won’t bust your budget? Yaegaki Mu excels as a relatively inexpensive sake with loads of character and grace.

This post will explore Mu’s tasting notes, service tips, pairing suggestions, and technical info. I also include a few online retailers so you can shop around for a great price.

Yaegaki Mu Tasting Notes

Yaegaki Mu is a super popular and moderately fragrant Junmai Daiginjo. This sake is slightly sweet on impact with low acidity– making for a very soft mouthfeel. Notes include cantaloupe, cotton candy, wet concrete, fresh flowers, Meyer lemon, and basil. It’s often assumed that Mu is made in the US– at least I had been guilty of this. And while many of Yaegaki’s products available in the US are brewed in California– Mu is still produced in Himeji, Hyogo. 

While Mu is no ultra-Daiginjo, it is a solid entry-level Junmai Daiginjo with a respectable level of depth. Yaegaki’s robust production and distribution means you can find it if you look.

a bottle of sake on a wooden table
Mu 無 means Nothingness– in this case: Nothing bad about it!

Mu Junmai Daiginjo Pairing and Service

While I do recommend Yaegaki Mu served chilled (like most ginjo-shu), it is acceptable warmed if you must. Heating brings out an even more buttery character and a drier, lighter profile. Generally, stick to a range from chilled to slightly chilled and you’re good to go. Smaller o-choko will make this already light sake practically disappear. Larger white wine glasses will enhance the pretty aromatics and make Mu taste slightly drier. 

Yaegaki Mu is an affordable Junmai Daiginjo meaning you can spend even more at the sushi bar. Sashimi of all kinds will pair nicely with Mu– particularly lighter fair like scallops, ama ebi, madai, and other white fish. Quality tempura, fruit, and a whole variety of salads will also work. This sake is also nice as on its own as an aperitif. 

a label close up from Mu Junmai Daiginjo
Yaegaki Mu Aonomu Junmai Daiginjo– but Mu is fine

Shop Online Retailers of Yaegaki Mu

The following links are from affiliate advertisers. I may earn commissions on qualifying purchases.

Mu Junmai Daiginjo Product Information

Rice: Yamada Nishiki and Gohyakumangoku milled to 50%

SMV: +1  Acidity: 1.2  Amino Acid: 1.6  ABV: 15%

a bottle of sake in a modern bar
Mu at Umi Sake House in Seattle

Yaegaki Sake Brewery Info

Brewery: Yaegaki Sake and Spirits (ヤヱガキ酒造)   Location: Himeji, Hyogo

EST: 1666  Official Site: English / 日本語

Instagram: Yaegaki USAヤヱガキ酒造

Yaegaki is a sake brewery from Hyogo prefecture founded in 1666. The brand name “Yaegaki” was created in 1881. And in 1987, the highly successful brewery launched Yaegaki Corporation of USA. Their ubiquitous products are clean and modern– regardless of where they’re brewed.

a label close up from Mu Junmai Daiginjo
Mu Sake and it’s well-known blue bottle

Label Translation

Yaegaki 八重垣  Mu 無

Yaegaki Shuzo ヤヱガキ酒造

Hyogo 兵庫

Junmai Daiginjo 純米大吟

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