According to Statista, Scotland is the number one whisky producer in the world by volume. In 2018, over 700 million liters of whisky were produced. The United States came in second with over 477 million liters produced. These two countries account for a significant majority of the world’s whisky production by volume.
Japan is third in production, with nearly 95 million liters produced. Canada is next with over 54 million liters. The final two spots go to Ireland and Taiwan. With nearly 9 million and 7 million liters produced respectively.
We have left India out of this list, although they produce a staggering amount of whisky. In 2018, the country produced over 3.4 billion liters of whisky! However, nearly all of this would not qualify as whisky to the rest of the world.
This infographic is copyright of The Japanese Bar.