Fukano Whisky 6000

a closeup of Fukano 6000's colorful label

Fukano 6000- Kumamoto Rice Whisky

Last Updated 9/13/2020

Fukano 6000 is one of four limited release whiskies exported in 2018 from the craft distillery. It’s a slightly sweet, fruity, lightweight rice shochu-based whisky. Tasting notes include green apple, raisin, cherry, plum, orange oil, dried flowers, cinnamon, vanilla, savory junmai-shu, sour rice, and brown rice.

Reviews for 6000 aren’t as good as it’s other 2018 release stablemates, but I’d still love to have a bottle! Plus, the label is undeniably cool. The design is futuristic, and the astronaut represents the whisky itself. Rice shochu as Japanese koji whisky is turning the market upside down. American artist Linh Do has done some impressive work around the world of whisky. 

a bottle of Fukano Whisky in a well-lit bar
Only 1200 Bottles Produced 

Fukano 6000 Pairing and Service

Serve Fukano 6000 neat, rocks, or mizuwari. You could even add hot water to make a whisky take on oyuwari. Even better- try this Fukano rice whisky as a Hot Toddy! It’s a whisky, it’s a shochu– this just makes sense. A 6000 Old Fashioned is also a delicious classic cocktail option. The mildly sweet and very fruity nature is accentuated by the sugar. Same for the cherry garnish, orange bitters, and (expressed) orange peel. Angostura adds more character and spice. A muddled Old Fashioned is more garish, but just as tasty!

Food pairing for whisky can be a tricky situation. Fukano 6000 works great as a nightcap if you don’t like spirits with your food. Pork and duck-based cuisine is a good place to start. This rice whisky makes a nice follow up to raw oysters and ama-ebi. A broad range of cheese can work with Fukano as well. 

a bottle of Fukano 6000 whisky in a wooden room
Is the Future of Japanese Whisky Shochu-Based?

Fukano 6000 Product Information

Ingredients: Rice, Rice Koji

ABV: 40.4%    Age: NAS; blend of 3-11 year aged whisky

1,200 bottles produced

a label of Fukano 6000 up close
Shochu + Oak + Time = Japanese Whisky

The Fukano Whisky Distillery

Distillery: Fukano Shuzo 深野酒造   Location: Hitoyoshi, Kumamoto

Official Site (Japanese)

This small distillery resides within the fertile rice-growing Hitoyoshi Basin 人吉盆地 of Kumamoto. They primarily produce rice shochu, or more specifically– Kuma-jochu 熊焼酎. The facilities house a number of large clay pots, which they use for aging some of their shochu. Their rice whiskies are aged in a variety of oak casks– producing a number of unique and complex whiskies. 


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five bottles of Japanese whisky in a wooden room
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Label Translation

Fukano Shuzo 深野酒造  Fukano 深野

Hitoyoshi Basin 人吉盆地

Kumamoto 熊本  Kuma-jochu 熊焼酎

Kuma River 球磨川

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