Genshu Sake

Genshu (原酒) sake has little to no water added. Many genshu have an alcohol content of between 18-20%. Legally, sake can be labeled genshu if the final alcohol content is lowered by less than 1% abv. 

Most sake is diluted (warimizu) after pasteurization, reducing the alcohol level and making sake easier to drink. It also lowers the tax rate. 

Many namazake and muroka sake are also genshu. The rich, vibrant trio is called muroka nama genshu. 

What Does Genshu Sake Taste Like?

Genshu sake is typically rich and powerful. Some sweetness is also common, as is an alcoholic burn on the finish. However, there are examples of genshu that are restrained and elegant. 

Famous Genshu Sake Brands

Most breweries have at least one genshu in their lineup. Some of the most popular include Narutotai Nama Genshu Nama, Wakatake Onikoroshi Tokubestu Junmai, Tamagawa Junmai “Red Label,” and Cowboy Junmai Ginjo.